For DJs

Technical Requirements
Some form of cover if the event is outside, can be a gazebo or awning or under DJ booth. Ignore if indoors!
1x power socket at least 1m from DJ booth, though can provide a 10m extension if necessary.
1x jack input into mixer or DJ console mic input for my Wireless Mic System - please contact me if one cannot be provided.
Key Lock on so the song key and pitch is the original when things are sped up or slowed down.
Mix and Song Requirements
Play any songs you would normally play! Unlike many Sax players, I do not have a prescriptive list and play completely by ear proficiently.
All I would say is that rock songs, pre-1960s rep and heavily rapped songs don't work so well with having Sax over the top, but by all means play them if they've been requested by the client, if they can be played before or after my set though that would be appreciated!
Songs that work great have strong vocal or instrumental melodies as I can replicate these easily or songs with well-known Sax breaks!
I've compiled a couple Spotify playlists below of great songs I've played before and know well. More than welcome to reference these if you're short for ideas, but I trust your mix and am happy to play over anything you choose!
I just want to put on a great show and make it a night to remember!
Full Song List:
(Click the Spotify logo in the top-right corner to see the full list)
Ibiza style (subset):